OK, this thread is to gauge the interest of members here that would like to scale Mount Kinabalu.
Tentative date will be set for May 2013.
All booking will be done by me.
After organizing previous climbs, there are a few rules that I have to set.
1. Air Tickets will have to be booked by yourselves.
2. Once confirmed, payment will be expected in full. No refunds.
3. Route for ascent and descent will be decided by vote.
Itenerary will be something like this. (More relaxed version)
Day 1 - Arrival at KK. Dinner and drinks together.
Day 2 - Will head to Kinabalu Park at approximately 12-1pm
(This day is all relaxed as we will be staying for a night at Kinabalu Park or Mesilau depending on the
chosen route of ascent. Dinner will be included in the package)
Day 3 - Start to climb the mountain early in the morning after breakfast (included) and packed lunch will also be
provided. Should reach the halfway point at Laban Rata or whichever Hut that we can get our hands
on in approximately 4-8 hours depending on how fit you are and route chosen.
Dinner at Laban Rata will be included...then we will all rest til the wee hours of...
Day 4 - Exactly 2am to start the 2nd half trek to the peak. Supper is included for those who can wake up
earlier to eat.This part of the journey takes about 3-5 hours depending on your fitness. Make it to the
peak fast enough and you can see the sun rise. After Taking pics, we will start on the descent. Which
is in one go... those who want to stop at the halfway point to have breakfast may do so... included as
well. After reaching the base, we can all have a sigh of relief and have lunch / high tea which is
included... Then after makan, head back to town all bruised and broken... and have a good rest.
Day 5 - Can head back to your place of origin.
Itinerary is subjected to change as some cannot afford to take a 5 day leave.
This will all be discussed.
I just want to let you guys know what the trip is like as detailed as possible.
Currently in the list of interested members.
1. Hanz079
2. Hanz079 punya wife
3. Ck77