Author Topic: Your best movie(s) ever  (Read 48190 times)

Offline Manburg

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Your best movie(s) ever
« on: November 27, 2010, 07:30:15 AM »
Apart from watches, my other passion is watching movies. In fact, I consider myself an avid movie fan. Some of the more mainstream ones are the like of James Bond where I've watched all the 22 official Bond films plus the 2 unofficial and have all the titles in DVDs/blurays. I believe you all also have your own best or favourite movies ever. As such, I'm starting this thread to let us share with each other our movies interest, and you can list all the movies that you consider your favourite/best, although I will start mine with only 3. (Be mindful that I'm looking at your best movie(s) ever which means that it can date back to the Charlie Chaplin era, and not the ones that you've just seen recently, unless that movie is your best ever).  :thumbsup:

No. 1 - Casablanca

I have always been curious as to why this film has always been chosen as the best or in the top 3 movie lists of all time (you can see one of the lists here - ). After all, it was made 68 years ago in black and white in the middle of the Second World War. ??? But one viewing of it is enough to make me admit that it's one of the best, if not the best movie ever made, ever! You can't ask anymore that you can ask for in a movie, because Casablanca has everything - romance, rugged yet sentimental hero, stunning female lead, intrigue, conflict, violence, nostalgic song, heinous villain, memorable characters, and the most important all, wit and humour. The fact that it was made in 1942 and is still very much relevant until now makes it all the more remarkable. I can't have enough if it, as I can watch it over and over without ever feeling bored. That's why it gets my vote as my greatest movie of all time. So if any of you has not watched it or even heard of it, my advice is - WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR? :laugh:

The main protagonists (l-r: Victor, Ilsa, Rick):

Bogart delivered (IMHO) his best ever performance in this movie. The epitome of a true hero. I don't know whether to either shout "Bravo" or cry my heart out at the climax of the movie when Rick told Ilsa that dreaded decision of his. :'(

A man with a broken heart. Only a man who has ever been crushed by a girl he truly loved would understand. :HammerHead:

Sam playing "As Time Goes By". Play it again, Sam.

One of the best endings in a film. No one knows what's going to happen.

Please, if you have to even go and see your friendly neighbourhood DVD pirate, do it; get the movie, watch it with your wife or girlfriend and understand how a real man should behave. :Dancing_banana:

You can read some of the short reviews here:
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 05:20:50 PM by Manburg »
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” BILL SHANKLY

Offline Manburg

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2010, 08:30:28 AM »
No. 2 - The Godfather

The next best film in my opinion is the epic mafia film "The Godfather". FYI, this film is made in trilogy, but I just think the 3rd instalment is nowhere comparable to the first two.

This film is the milestones of so many things. It became the benchmark of all Hollywood gangsters film, and is generally considered "the Don" of all mafia movies. In fact, you can watch any mafia movies made afer The Godfather, and you'd be forgiven for thinking that one of the scenes in that film is remisniscent of any one scene in The Godfather. The movie was also ridiculed by some sectors of the community for glorifying mobsters, but you wouldn't be able to know any deeper of the mafia lives had this movie not been made. Marlon Brando logged only a limited amount of screen appearances in the movie mumbling a few lines that only himself could understand, and yet won the Oscar for Best Actor. Al Pacino was a virtual unknown before this movie, and was not even in the original casts, and The Godfather catapulted his career to what it is know - a Hollywood living legend. And to be fair, The Godfather II also made the same thing to Robert de Niro, and I held the Godfather II as excellent as the first, but The Godfather just nicked it due its originality. All in all, not only the best film in its genre, but also one of the very best in the history of film making. Go watch it, and you'd finally understand what does the phrase "I'll make him an offer than he cannot refuse" mean.

All in the family. After all, it's only a family business.

Kissing the hand of the Don who's about to make an offer that can't be refused

The Don and his sons: (l-r) Michael, Santino and Fredo)

The new Don is soliciting some age-old wisdom from the fading Don.

They just don't make this kind of movie anymore.

You can get all that you'd like to know about The Godfather here:
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” BILL SHANKLY

Offline Manburg

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2010, 05:49:01 PM »
No. 3 - Star Wars Trilogy

My third best movie ever is none other than the Star Wars Trilogy Episodes IV - VI (okay, it's 3 movies instead of 1, but the story is not complete without one of the  other). They are A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I was too young to watch A New Hope when it's released in the cinema, but I can still remember the time when my father brought me and my kid brother to watch The Empire Strikes Back in the early 80's. It was my first ever cinematic experience, and the memory lasts until now. To say that I was brought up feeding on the everything Star Wars might be an overstatement, but it's my staple diet (so much so that my hobby in Lego was very much centred on Star Wars sets). In short, whenever I watched SW now, it would bring me back to the happy days of my childhood, and it's kinda stuck with me thus making it very much part of my life. And I still watch them once in a blue moon, this time with my kids instead.

Episode IV - A New Hope

Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Star Wars poster

The first ever appearance of Vader, voted the baddest villain on the silver screen

Millenium Falcon - the fastest ship in the galaxy. It's my dream ship, until now.

Han Solo. I grew up wanting to be Han Solo - his couldn't care less attitude, a rogue hero, own the fastest ship in the galaxy, and of course, he got the girl!

Solo with his best friend - a dog ... I mean Chewbacca.

Solo with Skywalker and Leia. Even though Luke was the jedi knight, I was more attached to Solo. I guess Luke is more like the unsung hero.

Well, what can I say. As a kid then, please forgive me for saying that this was my sex symbol at the time. With an outfit like that, who could blame me! Ohh my ...

I guess this is why I want to be Han Solo ...

I thought Vader was joking when he said to Luke ... "I'm your father ...". What the ...! :Scolding:

The iconic X-Wing - the next best ship after the MF

Some other memorable characters:

Obi Wan Kenobi

Atok Yoda



« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 04:06:42 PM by Manburg »
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” BILL SHANKLY

Offline TheHobbit

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2010, 07:07:06 PM »
Cool movies. As for me, it has to be:

2001: A Space Odyssey
Blade Runner

All sci-fi movies.

Offline landyshah

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2010, 11:23:34 AM »
Mine 5...

1.Apocalypse Now (original, not redux)
2. 2001 A space Odyssey
3. The Blue Brothers
4. The Bicycle Thieves
5. Lawrence of Arabia

For me, out of that Star Wars trio, Empire Strikes Back is far away the best. Dont talk about Ep 1/2/3, which are garbage  :P

Offline Manburg

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2010, 12:11:31 PM »
Cool movies. As for me, it has to be:

2001: A Space Odyssey
Blade Runner

All sci-fi movies.

Well Hobbit, i've got to say these:

1. I'm very much surprised to see 2001 Space Odyssey is your no. 1 choice - not because it's a bad movie, but because I also like it very much, and not that many average person would want to watch it or even understand it. I'm a fan of Kubrick, and would have to say that this film takes the cake as the most mind-boggling and complicated piece of his. There are so many literatures written on it, and various interpetations given on its meaning. Some say it's religious, some other say it's purely science, and one even say that the film is about food! I can't help myself laughing when someone else said Kubrick was actually on acid when he filmed the muti-coloured scenes (the Star Gate sequence) of Bowman journeying to Jupiter. :Laughing_on_floor:  But if you're really serious in wanting to know the real meaning of the film, there's one book written by someone saying that the film is actually a 3-in-1; that Kubrick was telling 3 stories in that one film. If that's true, he truly is a genius. To be honest, so much can be discussed about this film that this thread will never finish. Anyway, I'm happy that there are people out there who could appreciate this ground-breaking cult film.

2. I also love Blade  Runner, which I think has now reached the status of an icon of the neo-noir genre. Although Ford dislikes the the movie very much, I think it's his best role in such a dark and trend-setting futuristic set-up. It's a different sci-fi film altogether, and I love its pace and graphic, especially during the time when Dekker was picked up to see his former boss, where we could see the pyramid-like building and the fire-emmitting chimneys. Brilliant!!

3. I've never watched Serenity. I know it's a 2005 film, but I might have missed it. Have you watched Contact (Foster)? If yes, what's your take on it?

Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” BILL SHANKLY

Offline Manburg

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2010, 12:30:38 PM »
Mine 5...

1.Apocalypse Now (original, not redux)
2. 2001 A space Odyssey
3. The Blue Brothers
4. The Bicycle Thieves
5. Lawrence of Arabia

For me, out of that Star Wars trio, Empire Strikes Back is far away the best. Dont talk about Ep 1/2/3, which are garbage  :P


Thanks for your input. For your no. 2, kindly see my above-comments. Any particular reason(s) for making it your no. 2?

As for Apocalypse Now, I think it's the best war movie ever (it's an anti-war actually). For me, it's very disturbing and mind-provoking, and left its imprint on my soul long after I've finished watching it. Again, Brando appeared only a few minutes, but delivered a performance so chilling yet so crucial ... I can still hear him saying ... "the horror... the horror ...". Seraaaaammmmm!!! 

As for the SW Trilogy, I agree that story line wise and on the emotional level, TESB might be the best. But when I was young, it's my most dreaded because I can't shake that creepy image of Solo being frozen off my mind. I couldn' t tido malam thinking of my hero being sumpah like si Tanggang. :Blue:

As for the prequel (Eps. I - III), Ep I was so bad that I didn't even finish my first viewing. It took me years to go back and finish it. It's like watching a cartoon or a kid's movie - it's so unbelievably bad! :Scolding: Ep 2 was a bit better, though nowhere near the original Trilogy. Ep III, though not as good as any of the Eps IV - VI, I believe at the very least brought back a little bit of respectability and credibility towards Lucas. But luckily, we have Eps IV - VI! :Dancing_banana: 

« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 12:33:38 PM by Manburg »
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” BILL SHANKLY

Offline kiamat

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2010, 02:52:10 PM »
My 3s:

1) Citizen Kane - Orson Welles extensive use of foreground and background in staging and cinematography. Prior to this framing in Hollywood movies are only foreground where the backgrounds are not in focus. Perfect lighting to create carefully placed shadows to accentuate subjects anonymity, atmosphere and ambience. One of my favourite scene is the angle used in the image projected from broken glasses. These are groundbreaking filming from geniuses like Orson Welles and Greg Toland.

2) Casablanca - To simply categorise this film as a romance genre is very very wrong because there are more to it. Just like the protagonist of the film. This groundbreaking film leaves the ending to the audience to deduce. For some it is a sad ending. For others it is a happy ending. Modern classic like Wallstreet also borrowed from this by leaving the final summary to the audience. Do you think Fox is right or wrong. Do you think Gecko is right or wrong.

3) The Godfather - The opening sequence "I believe in America" is gold! It is a groundbreaking filming with the camera very slowly pan out of the undertaker face. At that time there was no computer technology to pan out the camera at that frame rate. The crane shot very unpopular with movie studio bigwigs because it is unconventional at that time. Nowadays, it is a norm and widely used by Peter Jackson on LOTR. Goes to show the man is a visionary. After going through Coppola directorial commentary, only cements my adoration for Coppola and Brando. To find out from the man himself that this movie nearly did not get made by him, Brando acting improvisation, the studio did not want Al Pacino and Brando, and the studio wanted to replace Nino Rota's Godfather theme with a pop song only make me cringe and thank God that everything worked out well. The signature one swift stroke to finish off the enemies and the final scene after Michael assured Kay, he closed the door to end the movie is magnificent.

Some might argue that Godfather and Citizen Kane are similar but I beg to differ because Godfather is linear narration. For example, "That's my family Kay, that's not me." gives precedent to the famous line "Tell Mike it was only business, I always liked him." I do agree that both of these films are visually stunning with great lighting.

Offline TheHobbit

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2010, 03:33:04 PM »
Hi Manburg,

Contact is a pretty cool movie as well. I like it as I am into Sci-fi movies. Makes you think. I like Event Horizon, but I guess many do not. But I am more into comedy or silly movies like Dirty Rotten Scoundrel, A Fish Called Wanda, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, most if not all Peter Seller movies, more so Dr. Strangelove. What about the movie Casino Royale? No, not the one with the new Bond, but the one where just about eveyone is Bond. Got to love Jimmy Bond.

I also like most movies by Kubrick and Scott, but more Kubrick. I especially like Clockwork Orange. I am also into Tarantino, love his From Dusk Till Dawn. Of course other movies I enjoy and can watch over and over again includes The Shawshank Redemption, Dune (yes even if it is crappy), Space Ball The Movie (yes I love Mel Brooks). I think there are just too many movies that I like. Hell I even love the Carry On series and the Confessions series. Not to forget the the Monty Python movies. I even like the movies like Dogma, Mallrats, Tremors and Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins.

Of course one of my all time fav movie is Executive Decision. Why? Cause Steven Seagal dies about 10 minutes in (flame suit on).

As for the Star Wars movies, I only like part 4, 5 and 6. Never watch parts 1, 2 and 3 cause I don't really want to know how Vader became what he is. I was a small boy when I saw Star Wars 4, and seeing Vader for the first time was just awesome. I mean really, he became Vader because he was confused? Come on, he is the baddest bad guy in the Sci-fi universe.

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2010, 09:10:14 PM »
In no particular order:

Grease (go Travolta!)
Weekend at Bernie's
Ocean's 11
Mamma Mia
Jerry Maguire.


Offline terrenceterrence

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2010, 05:49:09 AM »
1. The English Patient
2. The Infernal Affairs trilogy
3. Full Contact by Ringo Lam
4. Days of Being Wild by Wong Kar Wai
5. The Boys from Brazil
*6. Planet of the Apes

*special mention  :laugh: I prefer the Apes way better than Star Wars..the heresy of it all  :Laughing_on_floor:
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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2010, 06:17:55 AM »

this is fast becoming a great thread for me to scout for movies to watch with my gf over the weekend :D Thanks guys!

Offline landyshah

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2010, 10:12:16 PM »
Cause Steven Seagal dies about 10 minutes in (flame suit on).

Love it!! Couldnt have said it better meself  ;D

Manburg..why 2001? Like you mentioned, I think simply because it is a film that leaves you to interpret it in whatever way you want. It can be just sci fi with a mysterious ending, or a grand vision of of God, humanity and "life out there", or a tour de force of technical prowess and imagination, or anything else you might want to see in it.

The classic shot of the bone changing into a satellite....some people might find it like "wtf??" or some might think "holy shit, that is good". I did! Then there is HAL9000, the Strauss music in space, the fantastic cinematography (stunning, like Citizen Kane). And all of that done in 1968!!

Its a technical movie, one that requires thinking - but you can be free to think what you like - it doesnt push you in any direction....thats what makes it special for me. The common response for many is "wtf is this movie laa??"

The only Star Wars that matter is 4,5 and 6. I watched the original in 1977 at Rex Theater haha, dah tua beb

Agree with Hobbit on Kubrick, he is up there in my opinion. Just like Coppola, Ridley Scott, Fellini, Scorcese and Kurosawa. I dont care what anyone says, but Woody Allen sucks haha

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2010, 09:08:21 AM »
1. The English Patient
2. The Infernal Affairs trilogy
3. Full Contact by Ringo Lam
4. Days of Being Wild by Wong Kar Wai
5. The Boys from Brazil
*6. Planet of the Apes

*special mention  :laugh: I prefer the Apes way better than Star Wars..the heresy of it all  :Laughing_on_floor:

 :thumbsup: the english patient and days of being wild  :thumbsup:

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2010, 11:21:24 AM »
Errr.. hmmm... best ever movie.... hmmmm.... X rated can list ar?  :Laughing_on_floor:

Just joking guys... no offense yah.

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2010, 11:40:19 AM »
Errr.. hmmm... best ever movie.... hmmmm.... X rated can list ar?  :Laughing_on_floor:

You mean like XXX? :shocked1:

I don't think anyone would be offended with seeing Vin Diesel showing his bare chest ...  :Laughing_on_floor:
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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2010, 11:47:50 AM »
Better than seeing Ice-cube..... in xXx (2005)....

Offline Broleo

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2010, 12:47:47 PM »
LOL XXX2 oso can...

Offline Manburg

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2010, 01:36:11 PM »
What about these XX-rated Malaysian-made movies? :P

“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” BILL SHANKLY

Offline terrenceterrence

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2010, 09:51:16 PM »
Errr.. hmmm... best ever movie.... hmmmm.... X rated can list ar?  :Laughing_on_floor:

Just joking guys... no offense yah.

wooooo...i got a few in my list for those category of films  :Dancing_banana:

who can forget Sex and Zen series especially number 2; the one with Lolita Lee, Shu Qi and the undisputed King of HK Cat III movies, Tsui Kam Kong !!!!
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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2010, 12:27:36 PM »
My personal favorite movies (not necessary best and not in particular order) are:

  • Lord of the Rings
  • Cinema Paradiso
  • To Kill a Mocking Bird
  • Star Wars
  • Life is Beautiful (La vita è bella)
  • Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind

Offline Manburg

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2010, 08:03:21 AM »

this is fast becoming a great thread for me to scout for movies to watch with my gf over the weekend :D Thanks guys!

So mate, what movie(s) did you end up watching with your GF over the weekend? I'm sure it's not any of the XX movies as advertised here ... ;D
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” BILL SHANKLY

Offline kinson

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2010, 08:08:32 AM »
So mate, what movie(s) did you end up watching with your GF over the weekend? I'm sure it's not any of the XX movies as advertised here ... ;D

Lol, we ended up watching Bambi :p No, I'm not 10-years old, but she hadn't watched it before and I felt nostalgic :p Gonna queue up some of the movies recommended here for next weekend :D

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2010, 08:09:06 AM »
1. The English Patient
2. The Infernal Affairs trilogy
3. Full Contact by Ringo Lam
4. Days of Being Wild by Wong Kar Wai
5. The Boys from Brazil
*6. Planet of the Apes

*special mention  :laugh: I prefer the Apes way better than Star Wars..the heresy of it all  :Laughing_on_floor:

As for Planet of the Apes, I've got to go for the original ones feat. Heston. The scene when they found the Statue of Liberty remains one of my most shocking images. :thumbsup:
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” BILL SHANKLY

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Re: Your best movie(s) ever
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2010, 08:29:53 AM »
My personal favorite movies (not necessary best and not in particular order) are:

  • Lord of the Rings
  • Cinema Paradiso
  • To Kill a Mocking Bird
  • Star Wars
  • Life is Beautiful (La vita è bella)
  • Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind

I second the LOTR trilogy, which I think is one of the greatest ground breakers in cinematic history. Funny how no one ever mentioned Titanic. ???

I've long known the beauty of Cinema Paradiso (got a DVD copy), but never managed to get myself going through it. Life is Beautiful is, well ... another beautiful Italian movie. Having a small boy of my own makes the identification with the movie very easy. It's a sad film actually, one that's tugging at your heart mercilessly. Tangkap leleh ... :'(
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” BILL SHANKLY